Seafood Expo North America 2019 will take place this month in Boston on March 17-19. Ahead of the event, Plastic Machining Company (PMC) is highlighting seafood processing material solutions based around increased productivity, lot tractability, as well as worker and consumer safety.
The benefits of materials including nylon, acetal, and UHMW-PE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) have proved ideal for the OEM replacement of cupping systems, trippers, spray systems, and light testing machines in seafood processing applications. For all materials, PMC offers a wide range of specialty grades that enhance desired attributes, generally for compliance, enhanced wear properties, or improved chemical and moisture resistance.
BAADER systems, the world’s most popular food processing machinery, are commonly upgraded by customers with parts made by PMC. With no differences in the shape or design other than the material, processors are able to quickly and easily replace metal parts with plastic bearings, bushings, gears, pads, pulleys, tracks and other wear and power transmission parts that last longer, are easier to replace, and don’t rust or corrode in environments prone to moisture, sea salts (salt water), wash-down chemicals, and other heavy water contaminants.
The low friction properties of materials used in PMC parts equates to less energy waste to heat, significantly increased ease of sliding for fish and other seafood, and additional safety as plastic components do not create swarf (fine metal chips that could contaminate food). Moly- or oil-filled nylons have the added safety benefit of internal lubrication, which eliminates the need for an external, potentially hazardous, lubricant.
Plastic Machining Company works with many manufacturers in materials science to discover new technologies that allow seafood processors to meet their safety, quality, consistency, efficiency, and production needs and goals and is here to help customers streamline their food processing operations, finding the right solutions for demanding applications.
Plastic Machining Company (PMC) provides industry-leading plastic machining, semi-finished sheet and rod, custom-designed and OEM parts, as well as plastic replacements for metal power transmission components. PMC plastic sheet, rod, and parts are crafted from high-performance materials from Quadrant, Cast Nylons, Ensinger, Poly-Hi Solidur, and other resin converters, manufactured with precision state-of-the-art CNC routers, mills, and lathes. PMC parts scale from over twenty feet long and ten inches thick to parts that can rest on the tip of a finger. PMC can produce most custom parts within fifteen working days. Contact a PMC representative for specifics. Call 877-239-4338 or visit www.plasticmachiningcompany.com.